Thursday, October 12, 2006

Kiran 'Booker' Desai

Finally, someone from the Desai family managed to win a Bookers Prize. Congratulation. Kiran Desai was awarded the Man Booker Prize for her book The Inheritance Of Loss. Her mother Anita Desai was also nominated five times but could not manage to win. Kiran is the third Indian after Salman Rusdie and Arundhati Roy to win this award.

Many congratulations to Ms. Kiran. It took her 18 long years to write a new book. She recently confessed that she had dificulty finding publishers for her book. Now she does not have to worry. Publishers would chase her to write something or anything.

Wonder what happened to MS. Arundhati Roy. After her date with God of small things, she did not write anything substantial. Though, she makes some contributions from time to time in form of articles on social issues, she did not write any new novel.

Awards have a significant contribution in enhancing the moral of the writer. But sometimes I feel that it can prove detrimental too. For instance, an award puts undue burden on the writer to better his or her previous book or novel. In doing so, some produce briliant piece. However, many fail to write itself.

I sometimes feel that a readers reaction is the best award that a writer can have.

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